1. The divine will runs the universe. Something which is meant to happen will happen inspite of everything not in favour. Something which is not meant to happen will not happen even if all things are in favour. Either you can trust the divine will that sees whole of time and then acts or you can go to your grave resenting events , which does not change anything. Trust and Accept or Resent and Rust. You choose, aadhari.

  2. Sometimes, I ask myselves what is good fortune ? - Not getting something which you dearly want when you are NOT ready for it.

  3. Don't do unto others what you don't want done unto you.

  4. All of humanity's problems stem from man's inability to sit quietly in a room alone for 30 min.

  5. When you try to attend to something before life presents them to you (like pursuing a mate to fall in love with you, like wishing for things to happen to you), you are setting yourself for self inflicted misery and heartache.

  6. Time Heals Eveything.

  7. I used to think that in life, we have to snatch things from the hand of fortune but in the end I realised that it is fate who itself presents you with its gifts. It is within your power to only take with gratitude.

  8. What aadhar is actually looking in every situation in life is an audience to make them laugh.

  9. Each day brings its own gifts. Accept it.

  10. Whatever happens to you , accept it and move on. Whatever life awards you , take it with a smile and accept it as your reward. Everything is a blessing.

  11. The refusal of a romantic proposal is painful and heartbreaking because it is the purest form of rejection. The rejection of you. It literally is. But remember, humans are bad at valuing things. And whatever you are going through millions have gone through and millions will go through.

  12. All pleasure has its offsetting pain. ~naval

  13. For dealing with sadness, read Epictetus and do some daily walking excercises, everything comes back to life . You become habitual and stop caring Those emotions eventually fade. Believe me they do as I and you will. Embrace your pain .your sorrow .Face it .Enjoy it .This is you .You in your rawest form . Reject your sense of injury and the injury itself disappears. Its exciting because this experience will improve you somehow.

  14. To bear this worthily is good fortune.

  15. Everything that belongs to us comes to us if and only if we build the capacity to receive it.

  16. Right now you cant see how indulging in cheap pleaure will affect you for you want nothing, but I have realised that a human has to bear the consequences of his/her actions in this life itself.

  17. We create our fortunes and call it fate.

  18. If you are at peace today, thank the lord for one day you wont be at peace and you will remember the hard but peaceful times.

  19. The more pain you bear , the more deep becomes the well of your heart, the more becomes your capacity to feel the happiness.

  20. The relationships where two people take care of each other truly and you totally trust them and know that they love you, those are priceless. Surrender to those relationships for those are the rarest . Like your parents, your siblings, your mate, your true friends etc.

  21. Only after something is lost , you understand its value. Value everything you hold right now for beleive me tears will well up when its taken away and it will be , my friend. Despair not, in return life will present another gift.

  22. I am always looking for a gusher where I put one dollar today and it will rain dollars throught my life. ~ vinod sethi

  23. No man was glorious, who was not laborious. ~ poor richard

  24. I see all this drama of humans with a smile and then I tremble thinking I am a human too.

  25. I am always looking for friends in life who I can trust and they can trust me and we can be passangers in this journey of life. Thats the real compounding that is needed. To have real friends who love you and you love them. Throughout the existence.

  26. The more I talk with guys I understand that boys in 1 to 1 conversations are the most kind emotional people . They listen to you and present to you with gifts. But beware of Boys in a group. They are devils as they have a reputation to keep.

  27. The reason you become emotionally attached to a person is because you believe that their companionship will make your life better.

  28. I want to build a life where I do actions out of love and not out of force / fear / greed / money. Its the highest reward in itself to only work with people you are going to enjoy working with.

  29. The way to deal with sadness and heartache is to indulge yourself in productive positive activities (reading, walking ) and then try to cry out the tears which are stuck in your heart. Sounds strange aa ? Try it and then decide.

  30. Circumstances don't make the man, they only reveal him to himself.

  31. It is always better to be with a person who loves and values you rather than other way around.

  32. My aim in life is to actually become the perfect person who I project I am in my linkedin page :)

  33. With passage of life,I have come to realise that the best achievement of Shah Rukh was not DDLJ or Chakde. It was his good luck to find Gauri.

  34. Social media of any kind is to avoided like the poison. Avoid it at any cost.

  35. Although their is a rule by Naval that gaurd your reputation at any cost, I love to break it if I know I have a great joke on me which is going to land well in the crowd.

  36. The more I have given in life , the more life has given me. True.

  37. The more people you include as your family and work for serving them, the more power you will be given.

  38. The law of the universe I have realised that you can never have anything which you can not give to others.

  39. Pleasure of the moment is the poision of the future.

  40. It is a great experience to fall in one sided love with a celebrity. It is an equally heartbreaking experience to fall in love with someone you meet daily at work or school. Because of the false hope, the later situation gives you.

  41. Sophisticated foods are bittersweet (wine, beer, coffee, chocolate). Addictive relationships are cooperative and competitive. Work becomes flow at the limits of ability. The flavor of life is on the edge. ~naval

  42. A fit body, a calm mind, a house full of love. These things cannot be bought — they must be earned. ~naval

  43. The fundamental delusion — there is something out there that will make me happy and fulfilled forever. ~naval

  44. Life is uphill. Its a beautiful green hill.

  45. Seek first to understand and then to understood. Always think Win Win, aadhari 🥚🟡🪿

  46. The idea of watching a love story like O Kadhal Kanmini when you are going through a heartbreak is a terrible idea.

  47. Listening to Naval's How to Get Rich has been one of the best decisions I (aadhari) ever made.

  48. Freedom is the only worthy goal in life. It is won by disregarding things that lie beyond our control.

  49. It's not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters. Man is not worried by real problems so much as by his imagined anxieties about real problems

  50. There is only one way to happiness and that is to cease worrying about things which are beyond the power or our will. 

  51. The Modern Struggle Is Fighting Weaponized Dopamine Addiction.

  52. They say what you hate most in others is what you fear most in yourself.

  53. The best relationships are based on mutual trust and respect, and the belief that you’re better off together than apart. Great relationships don’t come from contracts, they come from character.

  54. Make mistakes but always learn from your mistakes.

  55. The idea of a perfect romance between a boy and a girl is so attractive because it gives a flight of fantasy away from the slovenly realities of life.

  56. If you want a good wife, be a good husband. If you want a good boss, be good at your work. Do you part well.

  57. A heart of gold is way more satisfying than a pot of gold.

  58. The only way that we can live, is if we grow. The only way that we can grow is if we change. The only way that we can change is if we learn. The only way we can learn is if we are exposed. And the only way that we can become exposed is if we throw ourselves out into the open. Do it, throw yourself into the open.

  59. The first sign that a girl likes you is that she will find ways to talk to that boy The first sign that a boy likes you that he will become too much self concious and emotional. Inorder to control his feelings, he will completey start avoiding the girl because he almost always finds her out of his league. Past colors the present.

  60. I am yet to gather the courage and say this to a girl : "I am absolutely floored by your beauty and I may never recover."

  61. Judgement is knowing the long term consequences of your actions.

  62. Because you procastinate today's task, you push ahead the date from which you are free, rich, healthy and at peace.

  63. Price is what what you PAY, value is what you get to OWN. True in life and in markets. ~warren buffet

  64. Dont let your Victory defeat you.

  65. Each day we tell fortune how to treat us.

  66. You are what your deepest desire is. As is your desire, so is your intention. As is your intention, so is your will. As is your will, so is your deed. As is your deed, so is your destiny.

  67. I spent my whole life in accumulating knowledge. But somehow the opposite gender dont seem much impressed.

  68. He who sweats more in training bleeds less in battle.

  69. Treat your work like your own child and all your problems are solved.

  70. When you fall in love, the feeling completely overwhelms you. Its like an illness without any medicine. All other problems and issues feel small because you know you need to survive this somehow.

  71. The universe is rigged in such a way that if you just want one thing and you focus on that, you will get it. But everything else, you got to let go. ~naval

  72. Retirement is when you stop sacrificing today for some imaginary tomorrow. When today is complete, in and of itself, you’re retired. ~naval

  73. True rewards — wealth, knowledge, love, fitness, and equanimity — come from ignoring others and improving ourselves. ~naval

  74. If you’re fond of roses my friend, Of the nearby thorns, must not you be afraid

  75. It is never a good idea to propose a potential crush if only you like them. They are not going to change the course of entire their life because you developed feelings.

  76. You are always investing in something , every damn second of your life.

  77. It will never turn out good if you act with greed.

  78. Meri aatma us din hi marr gayi thi jab pata chala tha ki bade hokar garmiyon ki chutti nhi hoti .ie. My soul died that day itself when I came to know that adults dont have summer vacations.

  79. In life, I am not looking for stones that will turn into copper .I am looking for copper that has a sure shot chance to turn to gold .

  80. Whatever you reap have been sown by you in times when I thought it all does NOT matter.

  81. Rule of life . Never risk something you Have and Need for anything which you dont have and dont need.

  82. It almost always end up badly to try to engage romanically with a colleague at work. If they like you then fine. If not, you have to see them everyday at work which is going to afflict pain. Avoid.

  83. In modern age, Temperament is your competitive advantage. Avoid Greed and Fear. Avoid Stability and take carefully thought over risks. Never take any risk which has any chance of complete ruin.

  84. What did you lose if you still can devote some time to do something you love and make yourself stronger . Love the process and not the outcome.

  85. Aadhar, actions have consequences.

  86. Some people will always do awful (or at least unpleasant) things and we are only responsible for our own virtue which we present through our actions.

  87. Accept the things to which fate binds you, and love the people with whom fate brings you together,but do so with all your heart.

  88. If it is not right do not do it; if it is not true do not say it.

  89. How much time he gains who does not look to see what his neighbour says or does or thinks, but only at what he does himself, to make it just and holy.

  90. What we do now echoes in eternity.

  91. Be like the cliff against which the waves continually break; but it stands firm and tames the fury of the water around it.

  92. Manifacture Luck through your choiced actions.

  93. When you find yourself in a hole , stop digging Aadhar!

  94. The greatest portion of peace of mind is doing nothing wrong. Those who lack self-control live disoriented and disturbed lives.

  95. Whenever you do something, you change the course of your entire life.

  96. Don't tell me what you care about, show me how you spend your time.

  97. What each human being longs for is someone to completely accept the good and the bad that belongs to their being.

  98. "We look for a horse with one chance in two of winning and which pays you three to one." ~charlie

  99. "Opportunity comes to the prepared mind." ~ charlie

  100. "Those who will not face improvements because they are changes, will face changes that are not improvements." ~ charlie

  101. "Avoid working directly under somebody you don't admire and don't want to be like." ~charlie

  102. "Mimicking the herd invites regression to the mean." ~charlie

  103. Whenever someone shouts at you or verbally abuses you / taunts you / provokes you, beleive me it is the perfect opportunity to practice PATIENCE. Its a godsend opportunity to take control of your emotions. Dont let it hurt you or provoke you. :)